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    Walnut export trade surges, steadily increasing global market shares


    As a treasure among nuts, walnuts have shown an impressive growth trend in export trade in recent years. The rich nutritional content and diverse uses of walnuts have attracted global attention and become an important part of the agricultural exports of many countries. According to the latest data, walnut exports have grown steadily in recent years. Data over the past five years show that global walnut exports have continued to rise. According to international trade data, global walnut exports were approximately 300,000 tons in 2016, and will exceed 500,000 tons in 2020. This shows that the global demand for walnuts is increasing year by year. Especially in the North American and European markets, people are pursuing healthy diet and balanced nutrition. The high fat, high protein, high fiber and rich vitamin and mineral content of walnuts make it an ideal snack and healthy food ingredient. In addition, walnuts are widely used in the production of baked goods, pastries and candies, and their versatility has also contributed to the rapid growth of export trade.

     In addition to nutritional value, the trade growth of walnuts also benefits from trade policies and market promotion. Some exporting countries have increased their support for the production and export of walnuts and actively promoted the export trade of walnuts by providing tax incentives, increasing marketing efforts and establishing trade agreements with importing countries. At the same time, walnut farmers and producers are constantly striving to improve quality and promote the sustainable development of the walnut industry. During the planting process, modern technology and agricultural management methods are adopted to strengthen the management of soil fertility and pests and diseases to ensure the quality and yield of walnuts. At the same time, we will strengthen the monitoring of walnut processing and storage to ensure the freshness and taste of walnuts.

    However, the walnut export trade still faces some challenges. Increased global quality standards and demands for environmental sustainability require exporting countries and producers to further strengthen quality control to ensure that the quality of walnuts meets market expectations. In addition, trade protectionism and market competition may also bring certain uncertainty and pressure to walnut exports. To sum up, walnut export trade has continued to grow in recent years and has become a star among agricultural product exports. By continuously improving quality, strengthening market promotion and expanding cooperation, the export trade of walnuts will continue to maintain a good momentum. At the same time, exporting countries and manufacturers need to pay close attention to changes in market demand and continue to improve and innovate to adapt to competition and development trends in the global market. Only in this way can the walnut export trade achieve sustainable development and promote the prosperity of the agricultural economy.